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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Welcome to BMoor's Deck Garage, where I, BMoor, will endeavor
to aid all aspiring deck builders. Please, read through my articles and past deck fixes and you may
just learn something from it all. If you wish, you can also send me a deck list of your own, or
feedback on past deck fixes, or on my Card of the Day reviews, or whatever else you think I ought to
know. But I think you ought to know, some decks I simply just can't get to, and so I can't guarantee
that every deck list you submit will appear here. You can increase your odds by telling me as much
about the deck as you can, as well as what kinds of decks you lose to, what you think the problems are,
which cards you love and want to keep in, et cetera. Don't be afraid of telling me too much-- I promise
you I read every last word of every single E-mail I get, even if I don't always respond quickly.
Send your E-mails to bmoor@pojo.com.
As of January 29, 2014, BMoor has written 392 Magic articles!